City: New York | Store: 1 | Perspective: 1 | Edition: 1/1 @ OpenSea
People in reflection are usually rushing, not living the moment, like me. When you get older, time speeds up. Could it be because we are distracted… by storefronts and their glamor? Missing out on moments due to expectations, social media, streaming video, and smartphones is how we live, and I feel that it makes us disconnected. We don't feel content because we are in-between, not belonging to the storefront nor the reflection fully.

City: New York | Store: 1 | Perspective: 2 | Edition: 1/1 @OpenSea
My photographs reflect how a split second and a slight tilt of the camera changes the entire story, which will never be written again. This is the same storefront in NYC from another angle with a new reflection. What surprised me was how the gentleman's shoes outside were blended in the picture with the decor inside.
City: New York | Store: 1 | Perspective: 3 | Edition: 1/1 @OpenSea
My photographs reflect how a split second and a slight tilt of the camera changes the entire story, which will never be written again. This photograph is my third take of the same storefront in New York City from another angle with a new story.